The fire safety arrangements for new buildings is considered in order to advise and to meet the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 for the responsible person or their representative when the building is to be occupied. The concept of the risk assessment running through from inception to when the building is first occupied.
For new buildings and building regulations any fire safety advice is in this approach to ensure Section 38 of Building Regulations is satisfied and to be in a position to consider the fire risk assessment for the responsible person and in readiness for the fire risk assessment.
On occupation of the building a fire risk assessment is normally carried out, if the use is subject to the Regulatory Reform(Fire safety) Order 2005.
Existing Buildings
The purpose of a Fire Safety Strategy is to ensure that the people in your premises know what to do if there is a fire and if so, the premises can be safely evacuated. For existing buildings this is the core of the Emergency Plan for your building.
The Fire Safety Order expects that if your organisation employ five or more people, or that the premises are licensed or an there is an alterations notice is “live” , then details of your Fire Emergency Plan must be recorded. Even when this is not the case, it makes good business sense to keep a record.
The Fire Safety Strategy / Emergency Plan should be based on the findings of your Fire Risk Assessment and be available for your employees, their representatives (where appointed) and the enforcing authority. It should account for the fire safety arrangements with the premises.
In multi-occupied, larger complex building the strategy will be proportionate so the Fire Emergency Plan will need to be more detailed. This is done via Article 22 and co-operation and co-ordination of the various fire risk assessments are compiled only after consultation with other occupiers and other responsible people.
In most cases this means that a single Fire Emergency Plan covering the whole building will be necessary. Normally the building owner or managing agent will be expected to produce the Emergency Plan and agree the content with other responsible persons. The owner (or their representative) will have the task of coordinating things together.
To support this Fire Safety for Responsible persons training is available that deals with the responsibilities under Article 3 and outlines this to strategic managers or senior executives of your organisation.
The emergency plan for the building formulates the evacuation so that people should get out safely. What happens next?
Part of this training can outline post incident pre-planning and to ensure that managers have an understanding and to take positive steps to return to normality.